Types of Divorce:

Child Custody and Child Support:

Whether you are adopting your new spouse's children or you are growing your family through adoption, I am happy to help you through this process.

Family Law

The Attorney Fees are in addition to Court Filing Fees.

Attorney work on a Contested Divorce is billed at an hourly rate and requires the initial deposit of a retainer.   In addition to the hourly rate for attorney work, the client will also be responsible for filing fees, service fees, court reporter fees, investigator fees, subpoena witness fees, transcripts, messenger services, photocopying, telephone toll calls, expert fees, and/or postage. 

Attorney work on an Uncontested Divorce is billed as a flat fee.  However, if during the process of compiling the paperwork required for the uncontested divorce the matter becomes contested, then the flat fee is applied toward the retainer and an additional deposit is required to complete the retainer.  The flat fee does not cover filing fees, service fees, court reporter fees, investigator fees, subpoena witness fees, transcripts, messenger services, photocopying, telephone toll calls, expert fees, and/or postage.  Any fees in addition to the flat fee for attorney work are the responsibility of the client.

Attorney work for all other Family Law matters will be billed at an hourly rate and requires the initial deposit of a retainer.   In addition to the hourly rate for attorney work, the client will also be responsible for filing fees, service fees, court reporter fees, investigator fees, subpoena witness fees, transcripts, messenger services, photocopying, telephone toll calls, expert fees, and/or postage. 


Children, O'Quinn Law Firm, adoption, child support, child custody
Divorce, O'Quinn Law Firm, Family Law, Custody Dispute, Child Support Dispute

Call now to set up your FREE consultation


Includes Divorce, Child Custody Disputes, Child Support Modifications, Adoptions, and other disputes that can arise.

Attorney's Fees:

Child Custody and Child Support issues are often part of a divorce but they are not exclusively found in divorce proceedings.  These issues can also come up when the parents were never married or when the parents have been divorced for several years.

Regardless of how, or why, you decide that divorce is the best way forward for you, there are two types of divorce, either a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce.

If you and your spouse are unable to agree on the terms of the divorce then I will represent your interests in seeking resolution through the process of a contested divorce.  Often these disputes center around how to divide assets, issues with custody, or amounts for support.  A contested divorce will require more time to work through the court process to reach a resolution.

If you and your spouse fully agree on all matters regarding the divorce then I will work up the Settlement Agreement and uncontested divorce paperwork to separate you from your spouse.   An uncontested divorce is a much faster process, which means you are able to move on with your life without a prolonged court process.  This is a less expensive path to the freedom of divorce.

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